1. Age:20
2. Nationality:Romanian
3. Do u speak english?:yes
4. L2 experience, since when u play it?since 2005 on L2extreme
5. What chars u've played in the past?(sorcerer,bd/se,dwarf xD,SH,TH,de/wc,sps,PR)
6. In which servers u've played in the past?(L2extreme,Shadow,infinity 4x,hestia 12x,darkside 30x,wrath and now here)
7. In which clans u've played in the past?on Shadow(TheLeague, adrenaLine) and on other servers in NoMercy(here clan crushed)
8. Are u familiar with someone in the clan?with Bryllance, he is from my town and on darkside we were in same clan
9. What is the reason u want to join the clan?-i heared it is good clan and active one and i always liked to have activity when i log on:)
10. How many hours u can play a day/week?as many as i have activity in clan
11. Between which hours u can be online?especially afternoon but in the morning and in the night too
12. What char u have atm? PR 61 lvl
13. Between which hours u play?depends on what time i am at the university